The Second Post (WHAT? yes that's right)

Dear Chummy,

Look at this! I'm bloody on it! Second post of the day!

Did you know Australian's sometimes refer to Australia as Straya?! I learnt that today and I thought it was great.  The people I work with now seem so wonderful, they're all so lovely and funny - it's going to be so much fun - and I get paid to taste wine tomorrow :) :).

I'm so jealous you got to go to Madame Tussauds, I have never been and I really want to! The Taylor wax figure looks so good! Do they still have Justin? Or has he gone? His really needs updating! I am SO excited for Amsterdam it's unreal, I can't wait to book the actual flights and accommodation! Exciting!! Can we go to New York next year please? And listen to Welcome to New York when we land? Actually can we make a New York playlist? Here are some suggestions:

  • Welcome to New York - Taylor Swift
  • Theme from New York, New York - Frank Sinatra
  • Empire State of Mind - Jay Z and Alicia Keys
  • New York State of Mind - Billy Joel
  • New York City - John Lennon
  • Back to Manhattan - Norah Jones
Look at me getting excited for a trip that hasn't even been planned or talked about. 
I'm also dead excited for Florida in 2017 - I've been watching Sprinkle of Glitter's Disney vlogs and they've got me so so so excited!
I still have our scrapbook, we need to fill it! I think we should put all of our travels in it, so pictures from Amsterdam too (and New York). Ah it's going to be wonderful, even if it is upside down and backwards - oops. There's so many places I want to go to, I can't wait!
OMG just realised I totally have friends that live in Straya (gunna make it work) now! If you're on the same wavelength as me you'll know exactly what I'm thinking ;)

What else? What else? I wish I had some photos to put up but the only ones I've taken recently are with Sam and they're gross so......

I spotified Norah Jones to sample that Back to Manhattan song and now I'm just listening to her album - it's not bad, v chilled. Speaking of music, have you seen Carly Rae Jepsen's new video, it's great. The song's so catchy I love it! Until it gets overplayed like Call Me Maybe :(. I watched Selena's new video today but it was just like watching 4 minutes of her clubbing - I didn't really like it but I'm being really judgy so..

Do you think we should start following people? and labelling our posts? - I think it'd be really cool to see if people enjoy our crappy letters even though they probably have no idea what we're talking about half of the time!

Gunna leave it here because I've spoilt you, providing two posts in one day when I really should be doing uni work, this is much more fun though...

Bye, Bye!
Chelsea xx

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