2 in 1

Dear Chummy,

What a week its been and a weird one at that. We've done so much yet nothing all at the same time, and I feel like thats pretty impressive. I really enjoyed the art museums they were really interesting and some of the paintings were beautiful; I love art. I wish I could paint like that, I need that talent. I also very much enjoyed seeing some parts of bristol that I hadn't seen before. Still not entirely sure if that train thing was real or just in my imagination, so odd haha.

Im currently listening to music and starting this post in your room while you're talking with Alex and Hal about houses I think. Wow stressful day looking around some today though, there were so many but none you could have and it started to get annoying and cold haha. But it ended with us getting pizza so thats ok. I hope you guys find one soon otherwise its another year in halls - oh how fun.

Ok heres where I stopped typing.. And started again; it's been about 2 weeks but I'm back and I remembered. I had so much fun visiting you that being home is horrible. You're not around and chocolate fingers don't taste like happiness, whats up with that? And I have nobody to have pizza with. Life just feels like one big ugh now.

But I am doing some work experience and its going really well the people there are really nice to me so hopefully i'll get the job at the end. Though yesterday somebody asked me where the tape was and I walked past it about 3 times oops, oh well I know for next time ;)!

Yesterday was valentines day - yuck. But I loved the card you sent me thank you so much it made my day even though I opened it a day early, hashtag ima rebel. After work I watched the Taylor movie duh. Oh my god did you see? Taylor invited a fan and her family to her own house to celebrate the day with her how lovely is that!!! Someday that will happen to me; I have hope. CHOCOLATE SALE THOUGH THATS SOMETHING FOR YOU TO BE HAPPY ABOUT ;)

Oh, I made a taylor valentines card thing.

My friend on twitter (@blakeitoff) is waiting for the 1989 music book and he's going to learn bad blood  and that makes me so excited I can't wait to hear that. And we can dance like the gorillas from that video to it.

What else? Hmm yeah so since I've been home I've run out of things to say because I haven't done anything. Oh actually, Jess has gone away for 2 weeks but when she's back we're going to meet up and talk about our love for taylor and yeah thats going to be cool, you need to come here and meet her as well! Maybe I'll invite her to do something for my birthday and you can meet her too!

Words aren't my thing. 

Love you millions and I miss you already!

Georgia xx

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