
Dear Chummy,

I'm not really sure what to write about this week, I'm feeling so ill I only have the headspace to have a little ramble so I suppose that's what I'll do. 
I haven't really done a lot again; I went for a walk on New Year's Day with my family and decided I want to walk more - I might make it a thing for Culture Sunday; I went for breakfast on Sunday with Calum and Bijou and I worked on Monday and yesterday - which was Evan's birthday. I was so glad I was here for him, and even more glad I'll be here for his party on Saturday and so will you! yay yay yay!

I've been thinking a lot about the future recently and how excited I am for it, provided I pass these exams in a couple of weeks (which I definitely won't if I don't sort myself out). I'm excited to see new things and meet new people, sort out my house for next year (oh how grown up!) and move out properly. I've realised that if I actually manage to make it through my course I could do some really actually achieve some really rad shit. I could be an astronaut if I really wanted to (and if I was fit enough lol). One thing I really really want to do when I'm earning lots of $dolla$ is buy my mum a bookshop, that'd be a dream!

Another thing I've been thinking about a lot is how dramatic coming home has been! It's brought up so many problems that went away when everyone moved away. I've noticed that a lot of people are still pretty immature and despite feeling as though I've matured and moved on from the past, I know that I am probably viewed by many as being really childish - which is something I'm not sure I understand completely. But those that view me that way are definitely not worth even worrying about.. life is about growing up and changing as a person, developing a personality and learning who you are and you're bound to lose people along the way. 'That's life!' - Quote of the day. 

Whilst I'm feeling rather reflective, and maybe a little insightful, and since we've now made it through the first week of 2015, I think it's safe for me to say that this year is going to be a year of many changes and many many great things but I think it's going to be tough.

I don't think this post really deserves a tumblr update so I think I will mix it up a little bit with a Bieber update: Have you seen Justin's CK ad *heart eyes emoji x10* ergh will he just fall in love with me already?

There's not really much I can say that will top such a hot picture of Justin Bieber so I'm going to leave it here and crack on with some revision, even though it's getting late. 

Love you bills and mills, chum.
Chelsea xx

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