Plans for Your Visit

Dear Chummy,

Hi. Hello. Aloha. I'm not entirely sure what happened to my post last week, maybe it is lost in the post with my Hogwarts letter because it's been almost 10 years and that still hasn't turned up. We do have LOADS to catch up on, it's been far too long. There's so much we can do, I've even made a little list:

  • You mentioned free food, and I've found the perfect little place for it - Skipchen. It's a non-profit restaurant that gets all of the items on their menu from thrown out food and you pay as much as you feel the meal is worth.
  • I also want to go on walks and see new things, we could visit Brandon Hill Park and visit Cabot Tower and also Queen Square because I didn't even know it was there (the rhyme was accidental).
  • The Cathedral also looks worth a visit, and I really want to show you the Clifton Suspension Bridge which is close to the Observatory and Camera Obscura.
  • Recreate Taylor's polaroids.
  • Watch season five of The Vampire Diaries.
  • Bake.
  • It's Mel's birthday on Monday so I'm sure we'll do something.
  • (If I had the money, I could get my hair chopped.)
It's going to be a busy week, don't forget cameras! Joe's excited to see you, as is Hal - he wants to make sure he wears his jumper!

Taylor's instagram is SO perfect. She has such a perfect life #goals. 
I feel like my life is boring too, I literally have so little to write about and I feel bad because I don't want to bore you! I have been really bogged down with exams and illness though, is that a valid excuse? One of the best things that happened this week though was the 13 hours I spent watching the entirety of American Horror Story: Coven on Sunday. I had such a well-deserved lazy day. OH! I also went to Birmingham on Saturday and met up with Charlie and Miah, we played the selfie game and cried together as we browsed the shops of the Bullring unable to afford anything. I did however get a cute plate. 'Baby if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple.' - Quote of the day.

Omg, that picture of us in the Justin hoodies is such a throwback. I have so many memories of those hoodies; like one time when I went to Thorpe Park with my mum and a German boy completely fangirled when he saw my hoodie and then that day in the photo as well, when Charlie lost my green rubber duck. Remember our duck thing? That was completely quackers! Oh my God! Now I'm thinking about when we went to This is Justin Bieber and we were in the car and I had the Justin Bieber mask on and I was holding our sign up and instead of it reading 'We're completely quakers about you!' it just read as 'We're completely quackers!' because we didn't hold it up high enough. No wonder we got such funny looks! Ahh memories.

I've just thought when you write your next post, and I write mine, you'll be here and we can fill them with photos of us together!!!!!! YAY SO MUCH EXCITEMENT

I love you a latte!

Chelsea xx

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