Dear Chummy,

I didn't forget. Ok I totally forgot. We'll just shake it off. What has happened thats in any interest to you? Hm nothing really. I finished my work experience at the store and at first they didn't offer me a job but then once they let me go they realised how great I am and that they missed me too much. Well thats what I'm going to say anyway I don't know why they really gave me the job. But the main thing is I have it so thats 20 hours a week I won't be doing nothing. And two of the guys from there asked me to go out with them on saturday but after a lot of convincing from my family to go, I decided not to haha.

This week my family haven't been here and it's been so great, that is really bad to say I know but I have come to the conclusion that in fact I love not having them around. Since they have been back I've been counting down the days until they go away again, pretty sure its 4. Because Phill has booked for him and my mum to go away for the weekend somewhere, but they have no money? Anyway whatever.

What else? I've probably eaten a box of chocolate fingers a day for the past week and a half but can you really blame me at 69p a box with 20% extra free? I think not. However they don't taste like happiness without you chum.

My next post will be more exciting I promise, because I have a few things planned. I'm sorry this weeks is so rubbish, probably why I forgot to write because I had nothing exciting to write about. But lets look at it in a positive way.. short and sweet - yes lets go with that.

Oh actually something really funny happened to me today its worth a mention; Ok so I was having a solo dance party as I do because no friends, and shake it off came on and I was going all out with my crazy dancing and I flipped my hair and it got caught in my light, I got stuck and instead of helping me everybody laughed at me *rolls eyes*. Mum has a photo if you want to see it haha its one of those, 'capture it, remember it' moments.

My friend on twitter found this guy that plays the guitar and he did a version of blank space and it sounds so perfect I want to marry it which is impossible because you can't marry music. I gave the notes to Andrew to learn so he can teach me to play it. Check this guy out, so talented he has more as well.

Sarah is back from Thailand, this makes me so happy because we can FaceTime again. I miss her so much, I can't wait to see her again soon! It's so hard not being able to see her whenever, like you with Evan. A little appreciation to siblings (the cute ones, not Leo or Rosie)

I look super ginger in the first one. 'GINGER HAIR, DONT CARE' - Quote of the day.

I'll end it here, I love and miss you millions and trillions. See you soon. 

Georgia x

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