Cake, Everybody Loves Cake (except for you)

Dear Chummy,

So we both missed a week, (or two in my case, because I'm useless) but that's okay because nobody's perfect, you live and you learn it. Also, I did send you a card in the real life post so that counts aaaand I had nothing new to write about - I'm going to go back in time and post a photo of your card just so it looks like I posted.. cheeky right?

I loved having you here in Bristol, my room feels so empty and definitely a little messier. I'm so proud of us for getting through season five and watching so many films but also for going out so much too, it was definitely a busy week! Since you've been gone life's been a bit rubbish really. I've found myself just getting through the week so I can go home at the weekends, I don't really know what to do next week because I won't be going home for a while.. I miss my mum and Evan a lot, I really like seeing Laurel and Bijou and this week I'm looking forward to seeing 'probs' (a nickname that Hal has coined for a certain somebody at home). OH! One thing that happened since you left is we finally found a house! And it's perfect! Look at the cuteness!!

I'm so happy your work experience is going well, I really hope they keep you on! I have a phone interview tomorrow, I'm so nervous! I don't even know how to do this but I need the job so bad!

As you definitely know, because I've posted it everywhere, me and Elle made Hal the best birthday cake ever today. We started at 11am this morning, made a LOT of mess with icing sugar and cocoa powder, and finally added the finishing touched about two and a half hours later but it was so worth it. Look at his face:

The cake itself is obviously inspired by the cake Hagrid gives to Harry Potter for his Eleventh Birthday, and is a very chocolatey (and very delicious - yes I'm bragging) triple layered masterpiece. I don't think I have ever been so proud. If you want to make one too - probs not cos you don't like cake - the recipe we used was this one.. Harry's Cake but we changed a couple of things, like using butter instead of oil. Mmmmm so tasty.

I don't really know what else to talk about, because I don't wanna talk about my crappy exam results lol, here's a list of random things that probably don't deserve a mention:

  • I've gone against the rules and lit a candle in my room, it smells so good! It's called Midsummer's Night and it's from Yankee Candle. It's my favourite.
  • I'm listening to 5 Seconds of Summer's album.
  • I need to buy my mum a frame for her birthday but I have no idea where from.
  • I bought an Illamasqua nail varnish for £3.99 instead of £14.50 today.
  • I just took a break from writing this to paint my nails with said nail varnish.
  • I only moved the Dominos box today.
  • Even then, it's just in a bin bag. Still in my room.
  • This is a real shit post, and it's late.. soz.
  • It took me 8 attempts to type soz then.
I'm gunna leave it here,

Love ya!

Chelsea xx

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