Everybody Makes Mistakes

Dear Chummy,

I would like to fill this space with a small reminder that everybody makes mistakes, and that's okay. We're all human beings and we're allowed to mess up every now and then, you know. It doesn't matter if it's pointing someone the wrong way when they ask for directions or oversleeping by an hour, it's not the end of the world - everybody does it.

Here I would like to draw your attention to a very famous example. A young man who has, of recent years, been torn apart by criticism for all his mistakes, had his talent forgotten and thrown aside, most likely into the mop bucket in which he pissed, and lost not just one, but two of his loves. A young man who is of course Justin Bieber. Being thrown into the spotlight at such a tender age has been known to increase the likelihood of making silly mistakes, and even though these mistakes are usually no worse than those made by your average teenager, there's a lot more attention given to them. You are punished greatly by the public, shamed and embarrassed and used an example - as I am doing so now. The list of Justin Bieber's mistakes is rather extensive, those topping said list include: not watching where he's going and marking glass doors with his forehead; drinking milk before going on stage and throwing up (he's not likely to do that again); wearing clothes way too big for him (pull up your pants JB!); and obviously dying his hair bleach blonde! It can be said however, that out of all the mistakes Mr Bieber has made in his time, even the worst is forgivable. With a quick but sincere apology, any mistake can be rectified.

So, dearest Chummy, what I'd like you to take from this post is that everyone makes mistakes. Even someone as good looking as Justin Bieber. And even though you think it might be the end of the world, it's not because he's probably done worse or took the shame and embarrassment for you!

Justin Bieber learning from one of his biggest mistakes: suit choice.

Bye, bye,
Chelsea xx

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