Even Shorter, But Maybe Not as Sweet.

Dear Chummy,

It's been a really busy week, I've had lots of training sessions and lots of uni and not much time. I like being busy though, it makes me feel more productive - if I have a lot to do I'll get more done whereas if I don't have much to do I'll just put it off and then get stressed. Next week is going to be busier.. the pub is opening and I have lots of shifts and that's exciting, but it's also really scary - what if I'm rubbish at bartending?? Or fuck up people's cocktails?? I guess I'll learn though, confidence comes with practise, right?

I'm going to Plymouth at the weekend with Mum and Evan, I really can't wait it'll be so nice I hope we get to go to the beach!! Speaking of beaches, we are definitely going when I come to yours next month! I really want to swim in the sea, and lay on the sand - pls don't put sand down my top this time :((( I'm staying in Bristol for most of Easter which is going to be so weird because everybody else is going home and it'll just be me! I'll get lots of work done though hopefully and I'll have work as well which will keep me busy :)

I watched 50 Shades of Grey this week. I'm so glad I watched it online and didn't pay because it was so so awful. I had a frown on my face the entire time I watched it. I feel like I told you this on facetime but I can't even remember what day it was that I watched the film lol. But yeah, the film was real shit. Another unpopular opinion of mine this week is how angry Meghan Trainor's music makes me. I really dislike it. The lyrics in her new song really get to me aha I have v. strong feelings about this.

I feel like I peaked too soon last week with two posts because now I really don't know what to write about.. maybe I should have saved things to write about this week, oops. My mind has literally gone blank so I'm going to leave it here and let you use your imagination to make this post wonderful :).

Laters Baby,
Chelsea xx

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