Plans for Your Visit

Dear Chummy,

Hi. Hello. Aloha. I'm not entirely sure what happened to my post last week, maybe it is lost in the post with my Hogwarts letter because it's been almost 10 years and that still hasn't turned up. We do have LOADS to catch up on, it's been far too long. There's so much we can do, I've even made a little list:

  • You mentioned free food, and I've found the perfect little place for it - Skipchen. It's a non-profit restaurant that gets all of the items on their menu from thrown out food and you pay as much as you feel the meal is worth.
  • I also want to go on walks and see new things, we could visit Brandon Hill Park and visit Cabot Tower and also Queen Square because I didn't even know it was there (the rhyme was accidental).
  • The Cathedral also looks worth a visit, and I really want to show you the Clifton Suspension Bridge which is close to the Observatory and Camera Obscura.
  • Recreate Taylor's polaroids.
  • Watch season five of The Vampire Diaries.
  • Bake.
  • It's Mel's birthday on Monday so I'm sure we'll do something.
  • (If I had the money, I could get my hair chopped.)
It's going to be a busy week, don't forget cameras! Joe's excited to see you, as is Hal - he wants to make sure he wears his jumper!

Taylor's instagram is SO perfect. She has such a perfect life #goals. 
I feel like my life is boring too, I literally have so little to write about and I feel bad because I don't want to bore you! I have been really bogged down with exams and illness though, is that a valid excuse? One of the best things that happened this week though was the 13 hours I spent watching the entirety of American Horror Story: Coven on Sunday. I had such a well-deserved lazy day. OH! I also went to Birmingham on Saturday and met up with Charlie and Miah, we played the selfie game and cried together as we browsed the shops of the Bullring unable to afford anything. I did however get a cute plate. 'Baby if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple.' - Quote of the day.

Omg, that picture of us in the Justin hoodies is such a throwback. I have so many memories of those hoodies; like one time when I went to Thorpe Park with my mum and a German boy completely fangirled when he saw my hoodie and then that day in the photo as well, when Charlie lost my green rubber duck. Remember our duck thing? That was completely quackers! Oh my God! Now I'm thinking about when we went to This is Justin Bieber and we were in the car and I had the Justin Bieber mask on and I was holding our sign up and instead of it reading 'We're completely quakers about you!' it just read as 'We're completely quackers!' because we didn't hold it up high enough. No wonder we got such funny looks! Ahh memories.

I've just thought when you write your next post, and I write mine, you'll be here and we can fill them with photos of us together!!!!!! YAY SO MUCH EXCITEMENT

I love you a latte!

Chelsea xx

Dear Chummy,

Not sure where your post is haha maybe its lost in translation. Anyway Im looking forward to seeing you next week after a very long 'soon' almost a Justin's soon. We have so much to catch up on and finally you can show me Bristol the side we say we're going to see every time but never do. Though I'm super poor so I think your flatmates are going to have to take me free food hunting!

I haven't been up to much this week really, just tidying the house ish, not at all but I told mum thats what I've been doing when really I have been spending my days watching Smallville (I seriously forgot how good it is) a love like Clark and Lois please, well they don't know they are in love yet but I know thats coming soon!

Actually I did go out this week, on Friday. Robyn asked me at like half 8 if I wanted to go out and that she was going at 9 'for a few drinks', not a lot of warning but I'm so lonely that I said ok. We ended up having a lot of drinks and not spending much because she knew all the people haha (thats always a good thing) It was about 3 in the morning and a group of people came up to us and asked for a photo which was pretty random but we did and they offered to take us home so we went with them. But we ended up hanging out with them for ages, we went to Freiston shore and watched the stars - they were so pretty. Then we drove around and they said they were high and they shared their stuff with us so me and Robyn's boyfriend ended up getting high too, I was feeling great haha; probably shouldn't post that online oops. Anyway we didn't get back until like half 6 but I couldn't sleep at all. Weirdly random spontaneous night out.

Have you seen Taylor's instagram lately?? She went hiking and whale watching with Haim. YES WHALE! life goals; to go hiking and whale watching with Taylor Swift! I actually do really want to go hiking it seems like it would be lots of fun. The photos are so beautiful I'm dying, I DIED, DEAD! Have you noticed her knee the light looks like a love heart, I find that really cute, and another great thing is that Taylor's belly button finally makes an appearance haha its about time doll.


My life is really boring that these letters are getting shorter and shorter every time and I'm running out of things I can keep babbling about. While I'm in Bristol I want to buy a cute bath bomb that will make my bath water look spacey, I hope you know what I mean, with starts and stuff because that would be really cool to bathe in don't you think?

You know uptown funk? well its been stuck in my head all week and its starting to get really annoying because I like the song and if it constantly plays like it has been then I will hate the song and thats not what I want. Its something about Bruno's voice that brings out the swag in my dancing haha. Fun fact it started playing as I finished that sentence, IT KNEW!! HAHA OMG! Oh and I really like the wombats new song what do you think of it??

I'll leave it here before I bore you even more than I already have. See you this time next week for sure this time! I love and miss you millions!

Love Georgia xoxo

The New Arrival

Dear Chummy,

So Emma gave birth to baby Dylan yesterday which is pretty exciting. I went to the hospital to visit her and see the baby, but while I were in the room I found it super awkward and I started laughing so I had to just leave haha. Today was very busy though because everyone came to the house to see the  baby and they were all saying how much the baby looks like Matthew which I don't understand how they can tell? He looks like ET to me. Babies are super ugly; I think thats why I couldn't help but laugh.

I also braved it up and finally got my hair cut (which you know but anyway.) It's so weird, you know when you play with your hair? Well I keep doing that but I expect there to be more hair than there is, definitely going to take some getting used to, but I'm glad I did it. Your turn chum!

Other than those two very eventful things, there isn't anything else I did because as you know my life isn't exactly exciting at the moment. Oh wait I did have pizza (real pizza) for dinner three times in a row hashtag fatty.

Oh and tomorrow I'm going to work with Phill to see Fay which is exciting I haven't seen her in ages. Its a shame you're not at home still I really could so with seeing you, I miss you so much and I'm starting to forget what your face looks like *insert crying emoji*

Because I can't think of something to tell you I'm going to go for a little throw back to our Bieber hoodies and specks, good times! We literally didn't care that we were wearing fake glasses and Justin Bieber hoodies, best days. This week we've been listening to his old music again and its been a super nostalgic feeling. Loving it.

So while I have been typing the last few posts to our blog, each time I have been listening to She and Him's Classics album and each time I love it more. It's super relaxing music, I feel so chilled out listening to it! We'll meet again is playing at the moment, its my new favourite for now; 'I know we'll meet again some sunny day' - Lyric of the day. 

Love and miss you more and more everyday. I can't wait to see you soon when I come to Bristol for the weekend, we need to sort that out I wasn't really paying attention to the dates you were saying but I'm coming!! 

See you soon.

Love Georgia xoxo 

The Late One

Dear Chummy,

Let's just pretend that this was actually posted yesterday because I literally have no excuse whatsoever as to why I didn't upload anything - oops - I guess you could say I'm feeling rebellious!
I was really looking forward to seeing you too but I'm glad you decided to stay home and take a few days to get better, and it'll just make the next time I see you even more special! It's been basically two months since I saw you last, which also means it's been basically two months since we met Luke Pritchard from The Kooks! (ergh he had such a beautiful face...).

Speaking of other beautiful faces, did you hear about Zooey Deschanel? She's having a baby! It's going to be so cute I know it, but it means we now have even less of a chance of She & Him touring here and what's going to happen to New Girl?!

I'm glad you had fun in London and managed to take your American Horror Story DVDs back, we accidentally threw the receipt for mine away so I couldn't have helped! I love the Natural History Museum, I haven't been for ages though. Have you been to the Science Museum? Theres a lot more in there about Space, I really like that one too! We should go one day! Ricky would definitely drop out, we all know what he's like. Bless him.

I knew exactly what song that was going to be, I'm just too good ;) I'm going to officially swap tumblr updates for Bieber Updates because tomorrow (well today cos we're still pretending it's actually wednesday) makes it eight years since Justin made his youtube account. Aw our baby, he's all grown up! I was watching all of his old videos today and then I came across this one..

we were in that room. listening to that angel sing. #memories.

This week I've been trying to revise, but it hasn't really worked. I just can't focus. I don't think I'm going to be very happy with my exams but at least in one weeks time it'll all be done for a while. That's all I care about now. 'Life goes on.' - Quote of the day.
I'm so excited to go back to Uni and be in Bristol (after my exams)! I'm so tired of being around my sister, and I miss my double bed which I tend to share with my laptop.. it has it's own side lol. I also miss my flatmates but not nearly as much as I miss you!! We'll definitely have to sort something out soon!!

I love you lots and lots.
Chelsea xx

Dear Chummy,

Before I start I want to say sorry for not coming I honestly thought I would be better but clearly not. I was really looking forward to seeing you and I am so devastated that I couldn't, I may have actually cried but I don't want to look stupid so I won't put that.

I've been in bed since I finally got home on wednesday from London at like midnight ish (remind me to tell jasmine I said ish). I'm kinda assuming thats whats making me feel so bad again, walking constantly all day. But I had a great time I met a friend from twitter, Shreya and her sister, for a few hours and we went to Starbucks and I did the typical British thing and ordered a tea, and then we went into some shops you know normal shopping with friends. I managed to take my American Horror Story dvds back, they swapped them without questioning anything, I told them that I received them as a gift this year for christmas and that the episodes were messed up (which is only bending the truth I got them the christmas before). 

Then I walked all the way to the Natural History Museum, it's cool there I think you would like it. I walked around the whole place looking pretty intelligent. My favourite part was about space, I am becoming very interested in learning about it. So I believe now you have two students ready to learn about space from you; that would be me and Ricky, if he isn't a school drop out. 

Talking about space and stuff reminds me of a song: 
Guess it before you open it

Fun little fact I haven't washed my hair since tuesday night because I can't lift my arms to put shampoo and stuff on it because my back hurts that much, ew I'm totally gross. And baths don't seem to be helping my back this time, so I'm taking like 4 different pills, Pray 4 Me.

So the other day Taylor posted this photo on instagram, I don't know if you follow her but yeah I love the photo all I and probably 99% of the people who saw it can think is.. HOLY SHIT SQUAD GOALS. So when we have enough friends, we do this yah.

That has literally been my week, I'd go as far as saying its not worth even posting/reading about, yet here we are doing exactly that. This post was suppose to be super happy because I was going to tell you all the things we did when we were together you know just to remind you incase you forgot but I guess that will have to wait until next time. I'm sorry and I miss you millions and trillions and billions. 

Not really sure what else to say, I hope you had fun at your work thing tonight, just try to ignore childish behaviour from people who have yet to grow up. I have nothing else to say so I'll leave it here while I lay and watch smallville all night. 

See you soon (I hope not Justin's soon)

Love Georgia xoxo 


Dear Chummy,

I'm not really sure what to write about this week, I'm feeling so ill I only have the headspace to have a little ramble so I suppose that's what I'll do. 
I haven't really done a lot again; I went for a walk on New Year's Day with my family and decided I want to walk more - I might make it a thing for Culture Sunday; I went for breakfast on Sunday with Calum and Bijou and I worked on Monday and yesterday - which was Evan's birthday. I was so glad I was here for him, and even more glad I'll be here for his party on Saturday and so will you! yay yay yay!

I've been thinking a lot about the future recently and how excited I am for it, provided I pass these exams in a couple of weeks (which I definitely won't if I don't sort myself out). I'm excited to see new things and meet new people, sort out my house for next year (oh how grown up!) and move out properly. I've realised that if I actually manage to make it through my course I could do some really actually achieve some really rad shit. I could be an astronaut if I really wanted to (and if I was fit enough lol). One thing I really really want to do when I'm earning lots of $dolla$ is buy my mum a bookshop, that'd be a dream!

Another thing I've been thinking about a lot is how dramatic coming home has been! It's brought up so many problems that went away when everyone moved away. I've noticed that a lot of people are still pretty immature and despite feeling as though I've matured and moved on from the past, I know that I am probably viewed by many as being really childish - which is something I'm not sure I understand completely. But those that view me that way are definitely not worth even worrying about.. life is about growing up and changing as a person, developing a personality and learning who you are and you're bound to lose people along the way. 'That's life!' - Quote of the day. 

Whilst I'm feeling rather reflective, and maybe a little insightful, and since we've now made it through the first week of 2015, I think it's safe for me to say that this year is going to be a year of many changes and many many great things but I think it's going to be tough.

I don't think this post really deserves a tumblr update so I think I will mix it up a little bit with a Bieber update: Have you seen Justin's CK ad *heart eyes emoji x10* ergh will he just fall in love with me already?

There's not really much I can say that will top such a hot picture of Justin Bieber so I'm going to leave it here and crack on with some revision, even though it's getting late. 

Love you bills and mills, chum.
Chelsea xx

Dear Chummy,

I loved your letter, that cat website is brilliant I was looking around it for hours, we definitely have to visit that, great find. Sunday came around super quick this time oh my. I'm a little overwhelmed with the fact that its 2015 already where the hell has time gone?! Happy new year! *party emojis*

Because its the new year I've decided I am going to list things I'm going to do;
'New Year, New Start!' - Quote of the day:

1) Traveling around Europe
2) Try new foods
3) Meet new people 
4) Say YES!
5) Learn a new skill
6) Read more books
7) Learn a Language 
8) Get a tattoo
9) Stay Positive 
10) Walk more
11) Wake up at real times 
12) Use social media less
13) Be in a movie (as an extra, me and you)
14) Be more confident 
15) Make a scrapbook of the year

Ok so I spent new years eve not doing very much other that watching everyones snapchat stories of them enjoying themselves feeling a little lonely, then you drunk called me which was cute bless your little soul, I miss you so much. But this time next week we'll be together hanging out in person and you'll be listening to be talk instead of reading a long letter through the internet. SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU YAY ITS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!

This weekend I stayed at Charlotte's house and we watched movies and american horror story and talked for ages about life and she took me to her favourite place, the wine bar. It was so cute in there it felt like I had walked into a tumblr photo, you would have loved it, although it was really quiet which was a shame. I had lots of fun catching up with Charlotte after so long though it was nice to see her in person rather than just snapchat selfies. I didn't sleep well though but when I was asleep I was snoring loudly and it sounded like a cow, I woke myself up many times because of it haha. Between us we are basically a farm because Charlotte clucks in her sleep lol.

I left Charlotte's with a super bad back ache though, well actually I ached all over I felt like I was one big bruise, so delicate even a simple touch or movement hurt me. So I just had a boiling hot bath and I'm feeling better yay! And I'm now listening to Metronomy in my sheep onesie typing this to you. (Fay has the same onesie as me to we're basically twins and we're going to have a party so you need to get one for yourself, I don't think Alex's penguin counts)

Tumblr update: I have more stuff to show you I think, mainly videos and text posts this week.

GIRAFFE FACT:  Newborn giraffe calves begin their lives by falling 6 feet to the ground.

Think thats everything this week not very exciting. Next week will be so much more exciting and fun and i'll be happier because i'll be with you and i'll see Charlotte and Jasmine, everything will be great! Cant wait! Until then, stay beautiful.

Love and miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so, much.

See you (not so Justin's) soon.

Love Georgia xoxo