Dear Chummy,
and the finale..
14. "How do I have so many followers? my tweets are so shit"
I hope you enjoyed reading this, it was kinda fun to see what doesn't make it through my filter and what I deem unsuitable (boring / badly written) for twitter. I have so many more so maybe they'll be a part two who knows. Sorry it's been a while.
Chelsea x
As far as the average person is concerned, I have an abnormally large amount of twitter followers (thank you dorky, teenage me!) and this audience is very mixed; there's people I know personally and there's a large number of strangers. There's a wide range of ages, genders and cultures and with such a great following comes a great responsibility. I have to be careful what I tweet. I can't be bitchy about someone because they might see it, I can't offend One Direction because I might get hunted down and killed. Because I have to have this filter, I have a lot of drafts (when I say a lot, i mean a lot - there's 141 of them...).
So onto the main point of this post, I'm going to pick some of my drafts on twitter and maybe explain them a lil and see what happens. Like your last post, this is 100% a youtube video possibility (when we have subscribers ;)!) so here goes..
- "@georgeeeyeah EXCUSE ME CAN U LOOK AT YOUR TEXTS PLEASE" This one is absolutely classic, in fact I think others similar to this are actually a frequent feature in my drafts. You never answer your phone. Ever.
- "I'm going to be on TV tonight and it's going to be tragic ahaha" I have zero idea what this could be about. Not a clue, The only thing I think it could be is from when I saw Justin on TMI but I'm not sure why that would have been tragic so no idea.
- "Let's be honest, what's changed" I'm not too sure why I didn't actually tweet this, it's quite a good one - the picture is cute, the captions cute, maybe I'll tweet it now (probably not)
- "'8 years I've been waiting to see a pig'" I remember this one, it's an Evan quote. I can't remember where we were or why he said it, I think it was just a super random outburst but I laughed a lot.
- "10 months older Taylor tweet throwback remember" This is SO frustrating. I missed it by a month. This is a reminder to post a pic from 1989 tour with Clean lyrics ten months after we'd been. Damn.
- "When you finish work at 5am but have plans for 10am and " Obviously couldn't think of an ending for this tweet. Here are the pictures that accompanied the tweet. High-key looking like a mess but low-key feeling myself.
- "80's music is so 'get up and go'" Yeah true to be fair.
- "'We don't even have shrimps, we just have prawns!'" Honestly, the funniest thing Louie ever said to me, so glad this is in my drafts cos I just laughed all over again. It was how he almost cried while saying it, like it's the biggest struggle Aussie's have to face.
- "uh oh, there you go again talking cinematic, yeah you!" A little bit of Hannah Montana, lyrics are also quite frequent in my drafts theres some Taylor Swift, theres a bit of Justin Bieber "is it too late to say sorrrry" two extra 'r's cos that's how you sing it.
- "I wasn't going to watch it, but I gave in and I really wish I hadn't" This was about Fifty Shades of Grey
- "Turns out the world doesn't end when you have no internet for four days, who knew" I like this one. It's very true and I wish I had more internet free days.
- "Life doesn't suck. People do." closely followed by..
- "Such a moody bitch today" I mean that's most days really.
14. "How do I have so many followers? my tweets are so shit"
I hope you enjoyed reading this, it was kinda fun to see what doesn't make it through my filter and what I deem unsuitable (boring / badly written) for twitter. I have so many more so maybe they'll be a part two who knows. Sorry it's been a while.
Chelsea x