happy or crappy new year?

Dear Chummy, 
Wow! What a shit year it has been, I've lost and I've lost some more, not gained anything accept a miserable mind set and anxiety shooting out of my chest and every given moment. I feel like 2016 has been a real slap in the face from the second it started to the second it ended, couldn't be more happy that it's gone forever. Safe to say, you were right, being 20 clearly does suck. However over the past few days I have seen a lot of people posting about the great year they have had, recapping all the exciting things they had done, places they had been, people they have met and it really made me realise that, this time next year I want to be sat in my room, or sat with a friend, looking back over a wonderful year and feeling so happy to have lived my life and achieved great things. I deserve that right? Normally I think making new years resolutions is such a cliché thing to do, that nobody ever sticks to, however this year I want to try my hardest to keep to these and constantly be adding new ambitions to the list so here is, 

Seventeen (because 2017) goals to achieve by the end of the year:-
  1. Really focus on college work, finish the year with DDD and get into my top university choices
  2. Do more creative things 
  3. Read at least 3 books 
  4. Get a job (this one is important, I'm so poor it's sad)
  5. See my friends more than once a year
  6. Find out what makes me happy, and do more of it 
  7. Start feeling more confident in myself and my work 
  8.  Eat less junk food? (this will be hard but I think I can do it, maybe thats why I'm so unhappy all the time? because my body doesn't ever feel healthy lol)
  9.  Learn about poetry 
  10.  Be more independent 
  11.  Watch and appreciate more foreign films 
  12.  Get a new wardrobe // some new clothes (the ones I have really suck now, I think its time)
  13.  More art and culture 
  14.  Buy a new lens for my camera and film more stuff and take more photos
  15.  Start university 
  16.  Go to Disneyland & Disneyworld 
  17. De-clutter (I mean everything from my laptop, to my room, to things/people in my life)

I would love to hear what your 2017 goals are, if you have any! 
See you soon, only 4 months until we go to Disneyland! (and until I'm 21, what the hell)

Ending on a few of my favourite photos from 2016:

Happy new year! 
Love Georgia xoxo